On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 [16:28],
    Miguel Sousa Filipe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>> Yes, it's normal.  If the interface is up it will try to speak ethernet
>> to something at the other end of your cable.  Since there is no cable it
>> keeps trying with different speeds to see if the different speeds work
>> better.
> Hum.. but shouldn't the driver detect the lack of cable (when it's plugged 
> out)?

It does, it tells you that the cable is plugged out. 

>> ifconfig eth0 down
>> fixes it.
> Same question.. this doesn't feel the correct way to solve this.. but just a
> workaround..

This is not a problem, maybe your cable broke, or maybe it's just a few
seconds glitch. Seems meaningless to kill the entire device. That could
cause more problems then just the cable clitch. And if you are not going
to use eth0, disable it yourself. If the device is up the computer will
act like there should be a connection, if it doesnt get a connection it
will say so, and keep trying until you disable the interface or give it
a connection (:


... david röhr              |      o_
.. unix systems consultant  | o/  /\   Solaris, AIX, HP-UX
. qbranch system management | /|_, \\   and GNU/Linux Certified.
        www.qbranch.se        /                    

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