said: > Assuming your iBook has a Radeon chip, you don't need to build a new > kernel but the DRM from drm-trunk-module-src.
I'm really feeling like an idiot lately... I guess that perhaps my first venture into the world of XFree86 would probably have been easier if it wasn't on an ibook -- but we use what we have. :) I guess I'm looking for someone to hold my hand helping me to get OpenGL to work. I tried to recompile a kernel, and on boot I end up with a "mon>" prompt, with a bunch of options, the only useful one being x for exit. Immediately after, I get kernel panic. Ugh. That said, I have a perfectly working pre-compiled 2.4.20-rc4-benh kernel from linuxppc. I have everything but 3D acceleration working. I have tried a lot of things, but seem to be missing a key somewhere... I managed to download (via apt-get by adding a new line in sources) drm-trunk, and used make-kpkg modules to get a .deb file (which I dpkg -i installed)... But now dont' knwo what to do with it... I seem to have everything I need it the XF86Config-4 file... but still when running glxinfo don't have direct rendering. Oh, and my ibook is the original ibook2 with a Rage 128, not a raedon. Anybody want to help this poor soul? I'd happily buy you a cup of coffee the next time you're in Northern Michigan (US).. :) -Shawn -- Shawn Powers Technology Director Inland Lakes Schools PHN: 231-238-6868 ext 9174 FAX: 509-356-7024 [EMAIL PROTECTED]