On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 18:07:09 -0700, Chris Tillman composed:
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 06:49:50PM -0700, Jessica Blank wrote:
> > The poop:
> > 
> > * First hard drive is a 1GB Quantum
> > * Second hard drive is a 4GB something-or-other
> > * Third hard drive is one of those big old "boat anchor"/"freight train" 
> > 4GB drives. It fills the whole bottom bay of the Mac (twice as high as a 
> > typical "modern" hard drive). It's at the end of the SCSI chain, so I 
> > enabled the terminator on it. That is the only termination on the chain, 
> > as far as I know. The information on this drive and the (many) jumper 
> > options availble on it (nice drive!) is at: 
> > http://www.seagate.com/support/disc/scsi/st15150n.html (yes, it's a 
> > Seagate Barracuda ST15150N).

my partner has one running in an external case with macos 8.1 running in
a quadra 800. i've noticed strange behaviour from the drive and maybe
the bus too, but it's 53c96 chip on the q800 IIRC, not a pmac.. 

> > fortitude:/home/shared/cds/cosmo# cd /var/log
> > fortitude:/var/log# ls -l
> > 
> > The kernel I use is 2.4.20; I compiled it myself. Other than this bug, it 
> > works perfectly.

i know it's just a minor ext3 bug, but maybe there's some underlying
factor in the 2.4.20 ext2 source? just curious....


> > Please, could someone help me? Is this a termination issue? Is this a 
> > known bug? What in heck is wrong with my Mac?
> Whenever I got that clicking noise, I always assumed the drive was 
> a goner and replaced it. It works fine on another machine?

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