At 6:33 +0100 12/24/02, Nirmal Govind wrote: >Hi... sorry this is off topic but thought the users on this list might >know the best.. how does one take care of the ibook to ensure that it >doesn't get scratched on the outside? I usually carry my laptop around a >lot.. I have the new ibook3 which has sort of a "glass" exterior and I >just noticed that carrying it around in my bag scratches the >surface... please let me know if you have any tips on caring for the >ibooks... >
Use a cotton bag. Here in the Netherlands the cotton bag is a give away by companies same as a plastic bags are. Other tip: Put a sheet of paper between the lit and the computer, that avoid that the keyboard scratches the display. Geert St --------- Get my envelope closing key with `gpg --recv-keys 5511798F` or use the equivalent of your favorite Pretty Good Privacy software. The envelope opening key is already here.