On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 06:58:05PM +0100, Laurent Decreusefond wrote:
> I have a powerbook 7300 running woody (very nice ...)
> I have an ethernet transceiver (Apple M0437) on the AAUI port. I would
> like to know how to use both my built-in Ethernet card and my transceiver
> to
> use my Mac as a router between my DSL connection and my own LAN.

Sorry, doesn't work that way. It's still only one network interface, and
you can only use one media port at a time (AAUI or built-in UTP port,
not both). PowerBook 7300? You mean a PowerMac 7300? You could just get
a PCI NIC and throw it in, and go with that; it'd probably be your best

Derrik Pates

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