
Two weeks ago I bought the new 800MHz-iBook with a Radeon Mobility 7500.
Using lspci I got the following information: ATI Technologies Inc. Radeon
Mobility M6 LW.

I found a Howto on Yellowdog <http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/support/
solutions/ydl_2.3/mobility7500.shtml> for the XF86Config settings. On the
other hand I read some messages in different mailarchives that xfree
won't work on the newest iBook.

Can I use the settings of the TiBook, because it has the same video card
as the new iBook (a ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 with 32MB)

Second, what about dri-trunk (Michel's xfree). Can I run this on my iBook?

Thanks in advance for helping me

Roland Wegmann

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