hi.  I'm a debian newbie in a pretty big way.

I installed potato from CD (the $9.95 price for the potato build 
was easier for me to swing than the $21 for woody) on a Powermac 
8500/200 with 128 MB of RAM and 2 2GB scsi drives (1 is partitioned 
for boot, root, usr, var and a small mac partition, the other is 
all for home).  

I use BootX 1.2.2 to boot the system.  I got everything partitioned 
and installed and it loads up nicely (is that a picture of Tux 
holding a *beer* during the boot sequence?! very amusing).  And I 
guess I installed the right packages because it installed without 
complaining (that I could see).  

So there's a sort of "now what" feeling in me.  I was able to use 
lynx to hunt around some of the file system and I feel comfortable 
with things like changing directories and so forth. I logged on as 
me (instead of root) and I feel good about that.


I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone have suggestions vis a vis 
a good starting place?  I mean, I can read man files all day-- 
although I could use a tip for generating additional workspace so I 
can bounce between a man file and trying out the instructions--but 
*which* man files should I look to first?  I'm such a GUI victim I 
don't know what to do-- I miss having a help window open while I 

The first time I did the install I think I screwed up X because 
when I entered startx after logging it, it greyed the screen and 
did nothing ever again.  So now I'm a little gun shy and I've 
decided I'd like to navigate and use the command line.  

Also, I use my other macs and wintels for you know, the usual-- 
word processing, checking  mail, research, spreadsheet work, and 
fun n' games.  I just went with a "standard" install-- of course 
maybe I should have documented by hand what packages I loaded.  So 
far I can't get online, don't know how to print and I don't know 
what work I can do.  

For example, if this were a mac, I could go to my tcp/ip control 
panel and make sure I'm seeing my firewall and I could go to a 
browser to test if I'm getting beyond my firewall, etc.  And I can 
go see other macs on the network.   If this were a wintel machine, 
I could go to the start menu and open up the help files and pore 
over them in a window on the left while jumping from application to 
application in a window on the right.  And in either case I could 
be typing poetry and stories and printing or emailing them to 
friends.  Or retouching my photos to give myself a third eye while 
holding a spear of fire.  That kind of thing.

So I'm at that point where I'm realizing the trade off of user 
friendliness for *power* is backfiring a bit.  Because now I 
supposedly have all this power and I'm uncertain as to what to do 
with it.  I now have enough knowledge to be dangerous.  I think.

I hope someone can gently prod me in the right direction.  I'm glad 
to be here in the sense that it was easier than I thought it would 
be, but now I'm scared and the wolves are after me.


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