Hello Mr Wightman,

K. Reid Wightman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) schrieb:

> This looks like it's an issue with some ibook batteries.  My own battery
> has the same problem (well, my battery goes from ~65% to dead usually). 
> I've had enough contact with other ibook owners with bad batteries that
> it's beginning to look commonplace with the 700mhz models up until the
> latest revision a few weeks ago.  Perhaps Apple got a contract with a
> bad battery manufacturer...
Argh. This is exactly what I didn't hope to hear. As I need this laptop
for my work, there is no way I can send it in as a whole. Do you know if
it is enough to send in the battery? But even this would be cruel as I
have no second one :-/

> If your ibook is still under warranty, give Apple a call and get a
> warranty replacement.
Hmm, how long is the warranty? If it isn't anymore, I will razz them
until they do something, as this is really awkward for them.

mfG Johannes

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