At 7:03 AM -0800 11/20/02, William Crowshaw wrote:

But I don't really know.  Let me know if you have any
ideas for fixing this problem. Or any explanation of
what is going on at least.

Many thanks,

W. Crowshaw

I remember having problems with the Dvorak keyboard, too. The solution I found was to define my own file ~/.Xmodmap, written in the format that xmodmap reads. When X or gdm starts up, this file is automatically fed to xmodmap. I had to figure this out when I upgraded, and I don't remember if this is the new "standard" way to handle it, or just one way that worked.

If you don't know how to create a file in this format, drop me a note, and I'll go figure out how I did it.

-- Bill
Bill Brennan
Wayne, PA

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