On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 01:41:25PM +0100, Claas Langbehn wrote:
> on my iBook2 I stil have sometimes trouble with the sound.
> After wakeup there is this noise. And yes, I use the latest
> kernel. (btkeeper 2.4.20-rc1 from rsync).

I've observed the same problem recently.  One wakeup in a hundred or so
will have some sort of full-volume feedback thing going on; it's
painfully loud.  I suspect it's a mic-speaker feedback loop since
covering the mic modulates the noise, though doesn't stop it (vibrations
conducted through the casing, maybe).

Observed with 2.4.18 from sid and 2.4.20-rc1-ben0.

Devin  \ aqua(at)devin.com, 1024D/E9ABFCD2;  http://www.devin.com
Carraway \ IRC: Requiem  GCS/CC/L s-:--- !a !tv C++++$ ULB+++$ O+@ P L+++

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