On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 02:51:31PM +0100, Michel Lanners wrote:
> This is most probably a bug in the MESH SCSI driver (You have your CD
I see. I actually supposed the CD drive was at fault and was looking for
another one.

> drive on the MESH bus, don't you? You can find out with dmesg.). One
Yes, I do.

> workaround (assuming the 53c94 driver doesn't suffer the same problem)
> could be to plug the CD drive into the (slower) external SCSI bus, which
> also has a motherbaord connector next to the MESH connector.
> However, unless you install an additional SCSI cable, that would put
> your SCSI disk also on the slower bus.
This is a nice idea, thanks! I'll try this. 5MB/sec should be enough even 
for a 12X CD drive, shouldn't it? To find another cable is also not a problem. 

Thanks for the info!

  --- Alexander.

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