At 10:45 am -0800 21/11/02, dylan wrote:
likewise, the program 'rcconf' (apt-getable of course!) can manage these
startup scripts as well.

personally i prefer not to use xdm, gdm, kdm or any other such software on
my older machines. in their place, one can just type 'startx' at the login
prompt. the memory savings might be trivial, but it seems to work well for
me. also, i would recommend a lightweight WM like blackbox, fluxbox, icewm,
or something like that.

hope that is of some help


Thanks Dylan - I'll give it a whirl.



on 02.11.21 10:18 AM, Claas Langbehn at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've recently installed woody (8100/80) and during the installation
 selected xdm as the window manager.  Gnome doesn't seem to like xdm.
 Well, that is not true. Here it likes xdm :)

 How do I switch from xdm to gdm and what is the difference between them?
 This is being controlled by the startup-scripts in /etc/rc?.d/ .
 Just disable xdm and enable gdm. Read the manpage of "update-rc.d" .



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