On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 02:51:47PM +0100, Jesus Climent wrote:
> I have taken down my page.

Did anyone ask you to?

> Just a short look at the cache from google reveals your page has not
> been updated since April 17th, which means a long time.

That's correct.  I get little feedback on the page.  (Well, until I took
it down, anyway; now I'm getting some mail about it.)

> I collected in my page info about DRI, airport, sound, pmu, kernel, X
> configuration,... which is obviously missing in your page.

Yes, you collected some valuable information and presented it in one
place, which is a nice and convenient thing to do.  I don't think anyone
has asserted otherwise.

> All that info dates from June 24th to yesterday.


> I did not intend to offend anyone, nor plagiarize your page. I just
> collected the info.

An earlier version included quite a bit of text verbatim from my page.

> Seems that trying to help gives me more headaches than happiness.

Only if one overreacts.  I never insisted that you take the page down.
I also assured you that you would suffer no retributive actions from me.

You have free will.  If you want to keep the page up, put it back up.

> I give up.

I think this reaction is just about the least constructive possible.

The best solution is really quite simple; give credit where credit is
due.  But as I said, I personally don't *want* credit until you've
credited everyone else.  The principle I am defending is more

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |         De minimis non curat lex.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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