
I have a Powerbook G3 (pismo) with an internal airport card which I am
trying to make talk to my other laptop, a Toshiba Tecra 8100 with a
Cisco aironet 450 card. Both laptops are running sid. the other night, I
had the cards on the same channel (6/2.437 GHz) and on the same network.
I fired up wavemon on both, and was getting signal on the 

I upgraded the airport's firmware to 2.0.2 under MacOS9. I was running
2.4.19pre4, and upgraded to 2.4.19-5. I have been manually starting the
airport card until I get the wireless network working. When I start the
card, I get unresolved symbols for the following from airport.o:


The modules seem to load after this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
airport                 3460   0  (autoclean)
orinoco                33312   0  (autoclean) [airport]
hermes                  9552   0  (autoclean) [airport orinoco]

but an iwconfig gives me 

 Warning: Driver for device eth1 has been compiled with version 13
 of Wireless Extension, while this program is using version 15.
 Some things may be broken...

How can I get the version 13/version 15 issue synced and get the two
cards talking to each other?

Bradley M. Alexander                |
Debian Developer, Security Engineer |   storm [at] tux.org
Debian/GNU Linux Developer          |   storm [at] debian.org
Key fingerprints:
DSA 0x54434E65: 37F6 BCA6 621D 920C E02E  E3C8 73B2 C019 5443 4E65
RSA 0xC3BCBA91: 3F 0E 26 C1 90 14 AD 0A  C8 9C F0 93 75 A0 01 34
Never let an aircraft take you somewhere your brain didn't get
to five minutes earlier.
                                        --Rules of the Air, #12

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