[please CC replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi,
It has come to my attention that the stock XFree86 server doesn't work correctly with the new (Nov 2002) G3 iBooks, but someone told me there's a patch against XFree86 (it's said not to be upstream because it would break ATI cards in non-iBook computers). So my question is: - Is there really a problem? - If yes, where can I download the patch? - Is there an easy way to create .debs from devel XFree86 snapshots (which I suppose is what the patch is against)? Thanks in advance, Gergo -- .--= ULLA! =---------------------. `We are not here to give users what \ http://cactus.rulez.org \ they want' -- RMS, at GUADEC 2001 `---= [EMAIL PROTECTED] =---' Az ingyen dologok megérik az árukat.