On Die, 2002-11-19 at 03:42, Ross Vumbaca wrote: 
> Michel Dänzer wrote:
> > On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 17:04, Ross Vumbaca wrote:
> >>Finally, if I am not using radeonfb, and am using plain VGA console, and 
> >>I load X with radeon driver, then exit X, the screen goes blank (monitor 
> >>enter power saving mode) and nothing I do will bring it back.
> > I assume this also happens when you switch from X to console? It's
> > probably because the radeon driver assumes there are no PPC boxen with
> > VGA console, so it doesn't save and restore VGA state (because that
> > doesn't work on Macs in turn). Clearly a better condition than #ifdef
> > __powerpc__ needs to be found.
> Just tested it, yep! If I switch from X to plain VGA console (while 
> running X), it also happens. It must be what you say.

If you have the source, look for vgaHW calls in radeon_driver.c and try
disabling the PPC specific hacks.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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