On Son, 2002-11-17 at 12:55, Raph HP wrote: > > I just bought the TiBook from the new series, it comes with a ATI Radeon > 9000. I'm using the newest dri-trunk stuff from people.debian.org/~daenzer/ > and the 2.4.20-rc1-ben0 kernel and the XF86Config-4.1280x854 and kernel > config file from penguinppc.org/~danzer/debian/dri-trunk/. > I can start X, but everything is very yellow
Sounds like an endianness problem, but the driver actually attempts to handle that... what depths have you tried? > Also, once I have started x, I can't switch back to text console, although > CONFIG_FB_RADEON is set to y. > When I make a cat /proc/fb, I get: > 0 OFfb /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATY,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATY, > I think this is not correct, is it? I wouldn't say not correct, but radeonfb would certainly be better. No worries, Ben is working on it. :) -- Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer XFree86 and DRI project member / CS student, Free Software enthusiast