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Ya know, I did a download of non-debian powerpc install....everything worked 
very well! OO even put an entry in the kde Kicker/Kmenu/whatever it's 
called...Naturally it won't be apt-updatable, etc, but it does work well. I'm 
running a fairly stock woody install. The only other thing I can think of 
that would make it more "debian-ish" is to put an entry into the createuser 
scripts to have OO get setup for each new user. 


On Tuesday 12 November 2002 22:33 pm, Mike Furr wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 19:25, Jan-Hendrik Palic wrote:
> > Hoi Folks,
> >
> > I have finished the OpenOffice.org build for debian-powerpc.
> > You can download the packages here:
> [...]
> > http://www.linux-debian.de/openoffice/mirrors.html
> I just tried out the ppc build on my tiBook(sid).  It starts up
> fine(sweet!), but when I try to load a powerpoint presentation, I get:
> /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin: relocation error:
> /usr/lib/openoffice/program/libsvx641lp.so: symbol
> _ZNK27SvxForbiddenCharactersTable22GetForbiddenCharactersEth, version
> UDK_3_0_0 not defined in file libsal.so.3 with link time reference
> I installed version 1.0.1-5.6rc1 from the olemiss mirror on the above page.
> If you need the exact file for duplication, let me know.
> Great job on OOo so far!
> -m

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