Hello Debian-Friends,

Christophe built some packages to get the Canon Digital IXUS v2 running.
You might want to install the packages (libusb, libgphoto2, gphoto2) from:

They work for me.

To get all images off the camera, just do an 
gphoto2 --port usb: --camera "Canon DIGITAL IXUS v2" -P

But the photos are all 1600x1200 (f.ex.) and they are not rotated as
expected. But there is an exiftag for the camera direction, which
may be read out with exiftag. I don't know if there is a nice way
to process the pictures. Maybe I am going to write a small shell script
to do the task. If somebody is interested he might ask me in a couple of
days. If there is also a solution for it, please tell me.


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