> When I reboot the system after this, I get a white screen... nothing
> happens. I have to reboot the machine, and if I go to the OF prompt, I
> can type 'boot ultra2:9,yaboot'.
> BUT, on the next screen, when I try to just hit enter (or type Linux and
> then enter, doesn't matter) it says 
> Can't open device <hd:0>
> hd:11,/vmlinux: Unable to open file, Invalid device
> Any ideas? because apparently OF uses 'ultra2' and linux uses '/dev/hda'
> and it's not liking it...

maybe your boot-variables are set incorrectly ?
you can get the 'real' name of your disk by typing 'dev / ls' at the OF prompt, 
or 'devalias' for the aliases
check against 'printenv' ...

Simon Vallet
Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon

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