excellent! so far i have been very impressed with my laptops performance but have not had a chance to look into some issues like getting powermanagment to work correctly (when i shut the lid and reopen it the colors are all screwed up) and sound. I wish i had seen your web site about 2 weeks ago :). looks like your site can help me with my sound issues and getting the trackpad to play nice, it worked well in enlightenment but not in kde. and in getting my airport card going, all tasks planned for this weekend. again, nice site it's gonna save me a lot of time getting my laptop configured.
I know window managers are pretty much a personnal preference thing, but have you found any one in particular to work better than others on your tibook? so far i've only tried enlightenment and kde but am thinking about trying gnome and sawfish.. eric > > If I understand correctly we own the same laptop. > My linux experience is here: > http://cattlegrid.net/~christophe/titanium/ > > The remaining problems for me are: > No Suspend/Resume > No TV out and external screen > The HD never spin down (I have ext3 which keeps using the HD every 5 > seconds) > Strange comportement when wireless with a few applications [1]. > > If you have info on these topics, please inform me. > > Otherwise this laptop rocks. > > NOTE 1: The strange comportement is: > With mozilla 1.0, A few sites are nearly unreachable (most of the time I > get the html but not the images) but the same sites are perfectly > reachable with other browsers (encompass, opera, ie5 under mol). Mozilla > 1.2b behave better (but not perfect), it's looks like a problem > triggered by the http code. > Also with openSSH, when wireless I can slogin perfectly but most scp > fail (wait forever). The same commands work perfectly when connected to > the same network with a cable. > > Christophe >