Hi people,
I need your help/advice on this one : I'm a newbie in
this PPC-Linux thing.

I acquired this old Mac PPC 4400/200 with 1.2 GB HD
with Mac OS 7.5.3 installed on it.   Would like to put
Debian/GNU Linux - Woody on this machine AND would
like to keep the Mac OS + installed software.

So I plugged in a second HD of 4.3 GB as slave on
first IDE intending to place Linux on this disk.  CD
is master on second IDE. (Similar as on my intel-PC)

Used floppies and downloaded-base-tarball to install
(version 3.0.23 ).  I partitioned second HD :
hdb1= partition table
hdb2= Linux system (2 GB)
hdb3= swap 160 (MB)
hdb4= free for now

Debian-installer goes OK until I want to make the
system bootable : 

- first I choose make bootable from HD (wanting to use
quik) : Error : root must be on the first disk.
- second I choose make boot-floppy : boot floppies
can't be made.
- third I choose reboot system : installed BootX on
the Mac OS partition, copied linux.bin in the
BootX-kernel-map, choose /dev/hdb2 as root-device and
choose Linux as OS.

So when I now try to boot using this
BootX-configuration: kernel boots, the 2 HD + CD are
detected, partition check goes ok but when the kernel
wants to mount root fs I get following error : 
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:40.
Rebooting in 180 seconds.

I relaunched the installer with the floppies and here
I CAN mount /dev/hdb2 on /target.

What am I missing? Are there any other kernel
parameters I should add ?

I appreciate any help.



Van Johan & Katrien DewaeleČ

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