On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 08:26:21 -0400

> i've also gone to lok around at linuxprinting.org, and they don't have
> a driver for deskwriter, only deskjets - deskjets IIRC use PS, and the
> printer i have is just a serial printer. i've also tried playing
> around with the serial ports settings, and still no output, not even
> garbage.

As Brad said, most DeskJets use PCL or straight ASCII, not PS.
DeskWriters were just relabelled DeskJets with serial/LocalTalk ports
instead of parallel.

I've never actually tried using my old DeskWriter from Linux, but from
messing around with it way back when, I know that the trick is that the
serial port is fixed at 57600 baud. Try setting the serial port to this
speed and dump some text to the port -- you should see something.
Probably any DeskJet filters will work fine for graphical output.

-- Michael

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