On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:

> >Santa-claus comes today with this new machine.
> Hrm... This machine isn't yet pefectly supported, it would help
> if I could have physical access to one of those for a couple
> of days (btw. I'm in France ;)

sure great I'll be very happy to give you access to the machine.
If you come in paris I'll give you entire access to this one.
feel free to keep in touch with me for more precision.

> You may have better luck with my kernel than with debian stock
> though.

as usual is a little bit more up-to-date no ?? ;-))

> The ata100 isn't yet supported. It might detect the disk with
> my latest tree, but I don't suggest relying on it too much,
> I haven't yet figured out the proper timings for this controller.

no problem, as I'll plan to use the IDE drive to store some huge flat
files, it is not crucial for me to plug the disk on the ATA66 bus
instead of the ATA100

> Or you can just put the kernel, yaboot & yaboot.conf on an HFS
> or HFSplus partition of your HD and boot that from OF
> (boot hd:partition,\yaboot). The yaboot.conf would be setup to
> load the kernel from the HD and the install ramdisk from the CD.

that was my meaning, as I've done for the pismo, when it was in the
begining of support, it was yet with your kernel tree)

Thank's for your answer. and once again if you wish to get hands to play
with my new toy, do not hesitate.


Pentiun /// ... (was Re: pentium III)
... le processeur adidas pour les internautes en pantoufles!-)
-+- RM in Guide du Macounet Pervers : Juste fais le! -+-

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