On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 04:05:47PM +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Son, 2002-10-13 at 15:55, J. Volkmann wrote:
> > 
> > I have an ibook2 with the radeon here and tried to get dri to work. So I
> > did the installation after
> > http://www.hispalinux.es/~data/iBook/x118.html.
> (BTW I'm a bit disappointed that it _still_ tells to set a ModulePath)

Sorry! I corrected in the source but forgot to rebuild the htmls...

> > 1. Installed XFree 4.2 with the branden debs.
> DRI won't work with those, you need my dri-trunk debs.

That is quite clear in the instructions...

> > make: *** No rule to make target `r128.h', needed by `r128_drv.o'.
> > Stop.

Happens after a make clean. Re-unpack the tarball and you are done.

Jesus Climent | Unix System Admin | Helsinki, Finland.
web: www.hispalinux.es/~data/  |  pumuki.hispalinux.es
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