On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 06:30:07PM +0200, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> OoO Lors de la soir?e naissante du samedi 12 octobre 2002, vers 18:03,
> christophe barbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:
> > Is it a known issue with ext3 on powerpc ?
> This issue is not powerpc specific, it is related to every journaled
> filesystems : regularly, the journal is flushed and a mark is issued
> to say that the journal is clean from this point. For ext3, this is
> done every five seconds.

I have not noticed that with my x86 laptop but it's perhaps because the HD in my
powerpc laptop is louder.
That said I don't understand why there would be somthing to flush when
there is no activity on the system.

> A new feature will be added for 2.4.20 which will allow to increase
> this delay at mount time. 

The benh kernel is a 2.4.20pre9, is it already in there?

> Therefore, it will be possible to use ext3 with noflushd. It is not possible 
> for the moment.

Wht is the realtion between being able to increase the timeout and being
able to use noflushd?

> You may find more information on this issue on the site of noflushd.

This one ?


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Christophe Barbé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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