On Oct 11 2002, Toby Sargeant wrote:
> The first thing I did after getting the tiBook was go and buy a 3
> button USB mouse. It's not the ideal solution, because it involves
> carrying extra hardware, but it was the most painless option in the
> end.

        Yes, but having to have yet another piece of hardware to carry
        (when the point of having a notebook is to have mobility) is
        simply silly, to say the least.

> The extra buttons are useful under OSX as well, by the way. Maybe
> Apple is starting to realise that the one mouse button thing is
> actually a little silly.

        Today, (after some discussions in my family) I was thinking if
        it was a good thing or not to get my iBook. Aside from it
        being expensive, and even though having 128MB more of memory
        than when I got the iBook (I now have 256MB) Apple's own
        operating system (even Jaguar) is *quite* slow with this

        If I did know that I could barely play some MP3s while having
        a MUA and a Web browser open with 256MB of memory, I would
        probably not have gotten this computer. In this sense, I
        regret purchasing it, but now it is too late. :-(

        I can't even play DVDs with Apple's own player in a
        deinterlaced manner! :-( And Linux + X is so much faster than
        Jaguar that it is not even fun to start to make comparisons.

        This will teach me that one should be really careful about
        following advices from O'Reilly, Slashdot and places with wide
        coverage of Apple's material.

        Well, at least the battery usage is not bad.

        Sorry for the off-topic rant. :-(

        []s, Roger...

 Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito

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