At 14:55 Uhr -0700 29.09.2002, Devin Carraway wrote:
On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 06:05:21PM +0200, Christian Jaeger wrote:
 Has anyone else seen those problems?

Yup.  On my ibook2 I've seen said behavior from galeon, xmms, privoxy
and gjay at least.  They all have threading in common, and the zombie
count from any of these rises in correlation with app events where
thread creation would be expected (fetching a single URL through
privoxy, e.g.)

Yes I've seen it with xmms, too.

I've seen this with Sid from 2.4.18 through benh's 2.4.20-pre0.

I forgot to mention my software configuration: Woody, 2.4.18-elf-lowlat (which means, a small elf fix, and the lowlat patch, although I don't activate it at runtime anymore so it's pretty much a standard 2.4.18 kernel), currently libc 2.2.5-11.1 (now upgrading to the new security fix).

I've talked with the licq author on irc and he thinks that it's a glibc bug. He mentioned that redhat with 2.2.5 had several strange problems and also turned up this url:
(although it's not clear whether that reporter talks about zombies).

I don't remember having seen the zombies problem more than about half a year ago, so maybe I should reboot into an older kernel and see whether that helps, otherwise it sounds like a libc problem.


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