On Sun, Sep 15, 2002 at 10:52:49PM -0700, dylan wrote:
> hi-
> while experimenting with some 7100/80 and 8100/80 woody based servers i
> found that while attempting to use apt-get install <package> via and ssh
> session, apt-get crashes. after proceeding through the first part of the
> install: checking deps and so on it will freeze. the machine then will not
> respond to input from the main console, or from a serial port based console.
> i end up having to reboot the machine and there is sometimes inaccuracies in
> the apt-get 'installed packages' type files. when i install a package via
> apt-get on the main console (from the server itself-locally) everything
> works perfectly. 

I tried this, ssh into a 9500 and had no problem. The woody system was
installed a couple of weeks ago.

Maybe do a memory check?

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