Hello, I have installed latest CVS ALSA drivers on my PowerMac 7500/100 (snd-powermac), and aplay functions well, but xmms plays only wav files - using other input plugin (mp3, ogg) causes loud random noise. But these plugins are probably ok, because when I use Disk Writer plugin play some ogg/mp3 file and then play the resulting wav file, it is all right.
Alsaplayer plays only when volume is at 1%. Otherwise I can only hear loud random noise. Even at 1% the song is very noisy comparing to aplay. The noise doesn't depend on alsamixer (it can only adjust the volume of the noise). In http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2002/debian-powerpc-200204/msg00122.html the writer had similar problem, except that I haven't blown my speakers. Does anybody has any suggestions what I should try? Maybe ask the question on an ALSA list? When I installed the drivers from unstable, the alsamixer doesn't adjust the volume (but appears normal). And the noise was the same. Thanks Ondrej Certik __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! News - Today's headlines http://news.yahoo.com