>>>>> "d-liao" == d-liao  <Dongxiang> writes:

    d-liao> I use 2.4.16-pmac kernel on a iBook 500 2USB/firewire and 
everything seems OK.
    d-liao> I then installed the most recent BenH kernel for ibook.
    d-liao> The machine boot up OK. The problem happens when I was shwon the 
login prompt.
    d-liao> Anything I type in would show up as other keypresses.  It appears 
    d-liao> the kernel does not recognize the keyboard. So I cannot even login.

    d-liao> Anybody know what's going on? What's the fix?

It's an ADB keyboard issue.  There are some comments on this on the
list, as well as some of the iBook WWW site.

A.J. Rossini                            Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics          [EMAIL PROTECTED]       
-------------- http://software.biostat.washington.edu/ ----------------
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