> > On  31 Aug, this message from Eric C. Cooper echoed through cyberspace:

> > > This Apple tech note was helpful in finding the magic '\023' that
> > > enables "server mode":
> > >     http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn1079.html

There is small note on the above page that says that the computer will
lose the Server Mode setting if a a normal shutdown command sequence
is executed.

"The mode will revert to a standard personal computer if the Shutdown
command is issued."

This is apparently true also if the computer is shutdown from
Linux. To get around this, I created an initscript that executes the
proper command on boot. I figured that the only time I'll
intentionally shut the computer down is when I move it or reboot for a
new kernel. In those events, the box will go back into Server Mode

Ron Golan
GPG key http://home.attbi.com/~rgolan/gpg.asc

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