
The installer seemed to freeze when that particular menu came up.  I say
that because when I tried the installer again, it would not even let me
select the next item and proceed when I got to that screen.

I did try switching consoles, but even that did not seem to work (is it
still the apple-F[1-6] combination to rotate through the different text
consoles ?)   And one final question - what args would I give to BootX
to enable debugging ?

I will try those files again tomorrow.  They might have been corrupted
in being downloaded and transferred between different machines ...


On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Chris Tillman wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 03:30:43PM -0700, vinai wrote:
> > I look at the manual at:
> >
> >
> >
> > section 4.4.1.  So I grabbed the ramdisk.gz (I already had a working
> > kernel/BootX combo and besides, the "linux.bin" from the Debian site
> > did not seem to work) and tried to run the installer that way.  The
> > installer said it was put together by Adam Di Carlo and was dated May
> > 16, 2002.  Right at the point where the it was going to partition the
> > hard disk, the installer would appear to freeze.  Even when I re-tried
> > (to skip that stage) it would still lock up.
> I just used them for a 9500, so I don't think they're broken. Does it
> freeze in the menu, after selecting the Partition menu item, after
> displaying the quik warning box, or after starting fdisk?
> Can you even switch to console 3 to see if there are any error
> messages?  It might help to add the debug boot argument to get more
> messages.

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