On Sun, Aug 25, 2002 at 02:52:03AM +0200, Debian User wrote: > hi again! > > > >> On Saturday 17 August 2002 14:51, Joss Winn wrote: > > >>> You need to make sure you have this modules compiled and avaialble: > > >>> > > >>> /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/drivers/char/drm/r128.o > it's ok for that, it's done and i've modprobe the module...but nothing has > changed, I've testes my OpenGL programm, it's the same, the motion is very > very bad...and i've tested tuxracer...it doesn't works at all...there is an > horizontal band on my screen wich is hotest and hotest, and if i don't quit > tuxracer my screen were broken.... > > an other question: how to emulate with f9 and f10 the 2nd and third button? > how can my keyboard fully working?(apple key, alt, ctrl key...to have others > characters)...
This is covered in the install manual, in the appendix. -- *------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------* | <http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual> | | debian-imac: <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net> | | Chris Tillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | To Have, Give All to All (ACIM) | *----------------------------------------------------------------*