Hello all,

I've just upgraded to Woody on my Mac 6500 found X didn't work (or my keyboard 
for that
matter), fixed the keyboard and then decided to upgrade the kernel
2.4.18 which would solve all my problems...or not...

I keep getting kernel oopses with 2.4.18.  I've narrowed down the problem - I 
that it occurs when an application whether fetchmail, mozilla, dselect
or whatever tries to access the internet through eth0 which is a RealTek

Someone mentioned that perhaps adding some IRQ to the command line
might help.  Would it?  Also would the problem go away if I downgrade
the kernel to something else in the 2.4.* tree?  The realtek card works
fine on the 2.2.* kernels btw.

Here is output from lsmod:

Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
ne2k-pci                8132   1 
8390                   10096   0  [ne2k-pci]
appletalk              24900   0 
vfat                   11808   0  (unused)
fat                    35068   0  [vfat]

Here is what ksymoops says:

ksymoops 2.4.5 on ppc 2.4.18.  Options used
     -V (default)
     -k /proc/ksyms (default)
     -l /proc/modules (default)
     -o /lib/modules/2.4.18/ (default)
     -m /boot/System.map-2.4.18 (specified)

Warning (compare_maps): mismatch on symbol xchg_u32  , ksyms_base says 
c000bc40, System.map says c0006950.  Ignoring ksyms_base entry
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: Oops: kernel access of bad area, sig: 11
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: NIP: C019AD08 XER: 20000000 LR: C019C8C4 SP: 
C46A3D80 REGS: c46a3cd0 TRAP: 0300    Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-powerpc -a powerpc:common
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: MSR: 00009032 EE: 1 PR: 0 FP: 0 ME: 1 IR/DR: 11
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: TASK = c46a2000[362] 'fetchmail' Last syscall: 
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: last math c5f7e000 last altivec 00000000
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: GPR00: 00000000 C46A3D80 C46A2000 C53BD780 
000005DC A583F6A3 00000020 DE20B649 
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: GPR08: C53BD858 00000014 00000218 C024CD1C 
852C69DA 10044CD0 00000000 00000000 
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: GPR16: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
00009032 046A3F40 00000000 C46A3E58 
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: GPR24: 00000000 00000000 C46A3DE8 C2D9F215 
C5E56800 C53BD780 C53BD858 C531C800 
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: Call backtrace: 
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: C2D9F215 C019F95C C01AE244 C016D3D0 C016DE60 
C000431C 7FFFB900 
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: 10004F08 1000FDE4 10010DC4 1000677C 1000B240 
100097A4 0FE4BC30 
Aug 24 09:20:46 euterpe kernel: 00000000 
Warning (Oops_read): Code line not seen, dumping what data is available

>>NIP; c019ad08 <tcp_sync_mss+14/ac>   <=====

>>GPR1; c46a3d80 <_end+43ad648/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR2; c46a2000 <_end+43ab8c8/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR3; c53bd780 <_end+50c7048/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR4; 000005dc Before first symbol
>>GPR5; a583f6a3 Before first symbol
>>GPR7; de20b649 <END_OF_CODE+170c968a/????>
>>GPR8; c53bd858 <_end+50c7120/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR11; c024cd1c <ipv4_specific+0/30>
>>GPR12; 852c69da Before first symbol
>>GPR13; 10044cd0 Before first symbol
>>GPR20; 00009032 Before first symbol
>>GPR21; 046a3f40 Before first symbol
>>GPR23; c46a3e58 <_end+43ad720/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR26; c46a3de8 <_end+43ad6b0/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR27; c2d9f215 <_end+2aa8add/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR28; c5e56800 <_end+5b600c8/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR29; c53bd780 <_end+50c7048/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR30; c53bd858 <_end+50c7120/6e2f8c8>
>>GPR31; c531c800 <_end+50260c8/6e2f8c8>

Trace; c2d9f215 <_end+2aa8add/6e2f8c8>
Trace; c019f95c <tcp_v4_connect+30c/364>
Trace; c01ae244 <inet_stream_connect+158/2f4>
Trace; c016d3d0 <sys_connect+68/8c>
Trace; c016de60 <sys_socketcall+f0/1e0>
Trace; c000431c <ret_from_syscall_1+0/b4>
Trace; 7fffb900 Before first symbol
Trace; 10004f08 Before first symbol
Trace; 1000fde4 Before first symbol
Trace; 10010dc4 Before first symbol
Trace; 1000677c Before first symbol
Trace; 1000b240 Before first symbol
Trace; 100097a4 Before first symbol
Trace; 0fe4bc30 Before first symbol
Trace; 00000000 Before first symbol

2 warnings issued.  Results may not be reliable.



Paul Talacko

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