Rolf Brudeseth wrote:

> > Hello
> >
> > It sounds good to me.  I would like to contribute the rs6k effort on
> debian.
> >

Amen bro!

> > We need to get boot floppies which work as soon as possible.  Also, we
> need to
> > get working install cdroms.
> What do you mean by boot floppies? Do you mean the boot-floppies installer
> or bootable floppies? The former will be replaced by debian-installer on
> sarge, while the latter is not supported on all RS6000/pSeries systems.
> Some do not even have floppy drives anymore.

Indeed and for those it would be nice to have a small boot iso

> I am currently trying to figure out how to make a single CDs that is
> bootable both on PREP and CHRP (IBM) systems. I have some anecdotal
> evidence that there is more to it than just pointing to the boot image from
> Open Firmware and/or setting up the /ppc/bootinfo.txt file correctly.
> Another issue is the 'prep-boot' and 'generic-boot' switches for the
> mkisofs command, which are used in creating PREP and CHRP bootable CDs,
> respectively; are mutually exclusive according to the man page.

I discovered this yesterday. I thought on  my 270 I would just be able to dump a
zimage on a cd and have it be able to boot from it from the OF command line.
Heck no!

There definately seem to have to be magic bits present on the cd for OF to be
able to load a zimage from a CD. A normal old ISO won't do. Quite surprising!

Anyway... t'will have an update on my 270 install story when the journey is
complete... I'm somewhat stuck at the moment.



Tom Gall - [Embedded] [ppc|ppc64]  Code Monkey
Peace, Love and Linux Technology Center "Where's the ka-boom?
(h) [EMAIL PROTECTED]           supposed to be an earth
(w) [EMAIL PROTECTED]                shattering ka-boom!"
(w) 507-253-4558                         -- Marvin Martian

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