El mié, 07-08-2002 a las 11:22, German Poo Caaman~o escribió: > [...] > > Well, I can boot from the network again. However, this time I boot the > > image with the 'noinitrd' and 'root' kernel parameters specified. > > In this stage I'm still with problems, so I'm booting my machine > from the networks only. I'll appreciate any comments about > the syntoms: > > 0 > boot disk | > /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0:-1,/etc/yaboot.conf: > Unknown or corrupt > filesystem > Can't open config file > Welcome to yaboot version 1.3.6 > Enter "help" to get some basic usage information > > The partition looks like -1, but I tryed differents ways helped > by "help" yaboot command without success. > > My /etc/yaboot.conf file looks like: > > boot=/dev/sda1 > device=/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@0: # Got by ofpath /dev/sda > partition=5 > root=/dev/sda5 > timeout=30 > install=/usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot > nonvram > > image=/vmlinux > label=Linux > read-only > > /vmlinux is the same image used to boot by net that I copied > before. > > The only differce with your howto belong to my patitioning: > [...] > Me root partition is /dev/sda5 and it's a logical partition. > (I'll try repartitioning to primary partition).
I repartioned the disk and I set /dev/sda3 as primary. After that, now I can boot from disk. So, the boot device *must* be primary as a traditionals PC's. So, now I'm happy with my 7044-170 working with Debian. The last stage will be compile a custom kernel and leave the SuSE kernel. -- German Poo Caaman~o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.ubiobio.cl/~gpoo/chilelindo.html «Hay 10 tipos de personas: las que entienden binario y las que no.»