On Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 09:12:20PM +0100, Dave Turner wrote:
> Chris said:-
> >OK, so you'll be able to boot the installer if you add a couple more files
> >to your MacOS volume, namely root.bin and linux.bin from the CD. Then
> .do the "boot hd:7,yaboot" and that will get you back in the installer.
> >Somehow, I guess your bootstrap partition doesn't get set up with the
> >yaboot file, yaboot.conf, and ofboot.b. You could verify this in the
> >installer by switching to console 2 (Alt-F2), and
> >
> >mount -t hfs /dev/hda2 /mnt
> >ls /mnt
> >
> >to see what's there. If mount gives you an error, then probably
> >the partition wasn't even initialized.
> With the aid of the Complete Idiots Guide to Unix by Bill Wagner I 
> managed to try
> ls -A -l /mnt
> and got the following for the contents of /dev/hda2 (my 800K bootstrap)
> 8  .finderinfo
> 8  .resource
> 300  .rootinfo
> 2601  ofboot.b
> 150020  yaboot
> 470  yaboot.conf
> (the sizes are in bytes not 512 byte chunks or strange Unix disc units)

Looks good there

> >umount /mnt
> >
> >Switch back to the menu (Alt-F1), and run Make Hard Disk Bootable.
> >then switch back to console 2 and repeat the mount, see if stuff is
> >there now.
> >
> >If it's not, that is totally strange. Maybe you can get more information
> >by running mkofboot manually:
> >
> >cp /target/etc/yaboot.conf /etc/yaboot.conf
> >mkofboot -v
> I have not dared to try mkofboot yet but Make System Bootable was the 
> option available - not Make Hard Disk Bootable. And then I was made 
> to mount the root and re-initialize the swap partition.
> From the above it looks as though everything that should be on the 
> 800K bootstrap is there, it just won't work!

Yup. Don't worry about mkofboot, it's the same program the installer
runs. With the -v, you may get some informative messages.

> FYI. It took three attempts to get Alt-F2 to work, press too early 
> and the install screen goes red and the keyboard locks up!

That's interesting. How exactly did you get it to do that? 
Do you hold the Alt (Option) key and then press F2?

> Next time the gurus do an install, do me a favour, pretend you are a 
> newbie and follow the documentation and see what happens!

Well, really, this stuff works for most everyone just the way the
docs say it does. You're deep into troubleshooting here.

*------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------*
|      <http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual>     |
|        debian-imac: <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>       |
|            Chris Tillman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|                  To Have, Give All to All (ACIM)               |

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