Hello Thanks for the help, but I have since solved the problem. I rebuilt the kernel without /dev fs support and I have reached the next screen where I config the keyboard.
I need to know how to parition the disk now. Do I create the partitions like I normaly do in intel or do I need to create a disk label like partition as in Sparc? Thanks again for the help. Hollis gave me the devfs tip in #debianppc JD Ole-Egil Hvitmyren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/14/2002 10:42:34 AM To: John F Davis/Raleigh/[EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org Subject: Re: model 150 almost there On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, John F Davis wrote: >I can get to virtual terminal 2 and cd/ls about the filesystem. I tried to >mount /dev/scd0 (My cdrom?) but it says the filesystem is read only and it >wont let me mount anything. Which is weird >because, I can make a directory to mount the cdrom onto and mount says the >root filesystem is mounted rw. It would seem you're trying to mount the cdrom using the "mount previously initialized filesystem" menu entry. Right? Don't do that. You should partition the harddisk and then mount/initialize the resulting partitions, then later on, when the installation procedure gets to the point of installing thing, select cdrom :-) Ole-Egil