On Sat, Aug 10, 2002 at 06:42:19PM +0200, Roland Wegmann wrote:
> Hello
> I have some old kernels that I want to remove. Can I do this manually simply 
> by removing the kernel, its moduls and the system.map? Or are there other 
> files that have to be deleted?
> I ask, because I have an 2.2.19 kernel that dpkg doesn't know:
> dpkg - warning; ignoring request to remove kernel-image-2.2.19 which isn't 
> installed.
> But it is an orignal potato kernel.

This is probably a better question for debian-user. Yes, if it's not
in use, removing won't hurt anything.  To be consistent, be sure
to also remove any references from quik.conf or yaboot.conf.

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