After much wailing and nashing of teeth, I have gotten Linux installed and
Xwindows almost working. Installing Linux was the easy part. Now when I boot
Linux, it boots into a Debian graphic login, but it won't let me login.
Whether I log in as me or as root, it says the password is incorrect. I know
the passwords are correct, they are the same wones I used from the command
line. The last thing I did before this started was to try to start Xwindows.
The machine hung, and I eventually had to reset it. The next time I booted
into Linux, a graphical screen with Debain Login at the top, and "Login:"
and "Password:". After three tries, it hangs, and I have to reboot. Now my
username appears when it boots up, along with the first letter of my
password (on the same line as the username).

The computer is a Motorola Starmax Mac clone, 603e/180, Tanzania mobo, 96
meg RAM, Linux installed on SCSI 0. If you need more information, I'll try
to answer any questions.

Bert Knabe

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