On  30 Jun, this message from Vincent Favre-Nicolin echoed through cyberspace:
> On Saturday 29 June 2002 23:54, Michel Lanners wrote:
>> On  29 Jun, this message from vinai echoed through cyberspace:
>> > Not quite sure about that ...  I think the old "Linuxppc"
>> > distribution came with a CD which was bootable on my 8500 (I think
>> > the was the 1999 release ...)  I could try to find my copy of that
>> > CD if anyone thinks the info might be useful ??
>> That booted through BootX, which is in fact MacOS booting.
>    Actually it was for LinuxPPC 2000 (just tested again the Q4 release), 
> and it did _not_ use BootX: there is no BootX window appearing, you go 
> (went) directly to Linux, using miBoot (with a 156K system folder).

Ah, yes, miBoot. A dirty hack which it's author is not too keen on
supporting any further :). Anyway, that's just the MacOS part; you still
need proprietary, non-free drivers to boot from the CDRom (and/or
commercial tools to create the driver partitions). Therefore, definite
no-no on Debian.

On the other hand, nobody stops you from copying the boot stuff from the
LinuxPPC CD and complement it with whatever else you want on the CD,
including Debian :) Loopback mounts, mac-fdisk, hexedit and some dd
trickery needed ;-). That's all you really need to build your own
personal bootable rescue CD for OldWorlds.

>    This was really nice since IIRC, it was the only distribution to boot 
> directly into linux from the CD for both OldWorld and NewWorld. Pity 
> it's not done any more...

Well, other distributions could do it if they got the rights to
publishing the CDrom drivers. No idea whether anyone's doing it, since
it's so much easier on NewWorlds... 



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg              |
email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan        |                     Learn Always. "

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