On  29 May, this message from Fred Heitkamp echoed through cyberspace:
> On the advice of some other Linux PPC coders I installed a
> PC PCI LSILogic SCSI card in my G4 Mac.  It works fine with
> the Linux drivers.  Of course the Apple OSes don't see it
> and you can't boot from it AFAIK.

It may with the right driver, or it may not.... Manufacterer drivers
would probably work (if available... which is another question
altogether), but Apple drivers would not.

>  One nice feature is that
> you can use a native Linux formated drive with Linux on it
> and since the Apple OS can't see it, it is completely left
> alone.  I.e.  No "Initialize" dialog pops up.

This is just a question of partition type. If you give your partitions
type 'Apple_UNIX_SVR2' instead of Apple's 'Apple_HFS', then MacOS will
not touch them either. In fact, MacOS should not touch any partition
type it doesn't know...

>  Of course
> installing the Apple drivers would get rid of these messages
> and not take that much disk space...

Hmm no, the drivers play not role here... Ah wait,. you mean a drive
partitioned with DOS partitions, not Apple partitions? That would indeed
probably be seen as uninitialized by MacOS. But then again I like beeing
able to partition by block, not by some random braindead CHS scheme....
And you can initialize a drive with an Apple partition map without
adding all those little Apple driver partitions, and it would also be
left alone by MacOS.



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
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