Quoting rw who wrote on Sun, May 19, 2002 at 11:45:15PM +0200:

> yes i got the BUS ID-Entry, but another number. i took the one from 
> command "lspci" wich gives me the result for my display controller 
> (PCI:00:11:00). but i guess u are using a new-world mac, cause i have an 
> older card (ati rage lt pro).

It has to be PCI:0:17:0 (lspci lists in hex).

I got X running on a wallstreet G3. Read the recent archive of the list,
but the gist is to set up the boot command-line to include 'video=atyfb'
(instead of 'video=ofonly'), use the fb driver selection in Xfree and
don't select video modes so it can detect what mode the framebuffer


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