On Thu, 2002-04-25 11:59:45 +0100, Gareth Bowker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>       I've got an iBook which every so often seems to go a bit haywire in
> the audio department. When I open the lid, so the machine comes out of
> suspend, most times everything's fine. Every once in a while, I'll get
> a load of static come out of the left speaker. Other times, it seems that
> the microphone comes on (afaict it doesn't work at other times :/) at full
> gain and gets into a feedback loop. In eith case the only option is a
> reboot.
> Is this a problem with the audio drivers or is it more likely to be a
> hardware issue?
> The machine's a new (bought just before Christmas) 12.1" iBook with one of
> those horrible softmodems.

yes, i have the problem too (bought in Mar. 2002), but the effect has
shown up here only twice since i bought it (one time in the mainhall of
a congress....*argl*)


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