On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 11:25:37PM +0200, Michel Lanners wrote:
> Videolan has released vlc 0.3.0, with _lots_ of performance
> improvements. I am now able to play back DVD's on my TiBook/400 with
> around 70% cpu useage, with only around 1% dropped frames (before, I had
> 100% cpu and 30% frame drops).

Hi all,

I don't know what this means. I tried vlc 0.3.0 and on startup it says:

warning: your CPU has AltiVec instructions, but not your operating system.
         some optimizations will be disabled unless you upgrade your OS
         (for instance Linux kernel 2.4.x or later)VideoLAN Client - version 
0.3.0 Ourumov - (c) 1996-2002 VideoLAN

I have an ibook2, 500 MHz. Now, I thought that the G3 didn't have Altivec, and 
I am running 2.4.19-pre6-ben0
from ppckernel.org.

So, is this vlc wrongly detecting my CPU having Altivec or the kernel not being 
correctly compiled ?
I thought I might post here first before troubling the vlc people.




"Live for today, gone tomorrow, that's me, HaHaHaaaaaa!"

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