On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 04:01, Thomas Peri wrote:
> Is there a precompiled kernel that I can use for this purpose (making 
> sound work on my G4, on which I've just installed woody new-powermac)? 
>  I'm not particularly up for learning how to build a custom one just yet.

Try, dmaaudio-pmac
It is in the base set of drivers, and works on my G4 powerbook fine.

> Also, can someone point me to instructions on replacing the one I've got 
> now with the new one?

To have the module load:
as root:


, then install the dmaaudio-pmac module.
(Or just add dmaaudio-pmac to /etc/modules, then modprobe dmaaudio-pmac)

To give yourself access to the audio device:

adduser yourusername audio

And make sure that group audio has read/write access to /dev/dsp and

Now logout of gnome or kde, then log back in.  You should have audio

David Stanaway

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