On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 03:22, nik gaffney wrote:
> you can try using BootX, which loads as an extension from MacOS, then 
> choosing linux from the dialog.  this means launching macos every time you 
> want to boot debian..

Only on Oldworld pmacs.
> another probelm you might have is that debian (and most unix) requires a swap 
> partition (virtual memory)  to work best, unless you have lots of RAM. im not 
> sure exactly how to install debian w/out a swap partition.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/.swapfile bs=1M count=128
chmod 600 /.swapfile
mkswap /.swapfile
swapon /.swapfile

I think you can put /.swapfile  in fstab too

/.swapfile      none            swap    sw                      0       0

David Stanaway

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