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I've spent 3 days trying to get a meta key to work. Having checked all the 
documentation AFAIK, it hasn't been very helpful in terms of "what is the 
meta key" and "what is the multi key". I've tried both, in various 
permutations, and nada. I'm attaching my xmodmap file. I can do accents just 
fine now :), but the third level characters don't work. I've bound square 
brackets and the like to third level bindings, and like it that way, but I 
don't have access to them. I need help...


Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

! This is an `xmodmap' input file for 
!   PC 105 key, wide Delete, tall Enter (XFree86; CF) keyboards.
! Automatically generated on Sun Mar 24 23:37:32 2002 by simon with
! XKeyCaps 2.46; Copyright (c) 1999 Jamie Zawinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
! http://www.jwz.org/xkeycaps/
! This file makes the following changes:
! The "Défil" key generates Scroll_Lock
! The "# | " key generates slash, backslash, and bar
! The "! 1 " key generates 1, exclam, and exclamdown
! The "" 2 " key generates 2, at, and plusminus
! The "/ 3 " key generates 3, numbersign, and asciitilde
! The "% 5 " key generates 5, percent, and onequarter
! The "& 7 " key generates 7, ampersand, and braceleft
! The "* 8 " key generates 8, asterisk, and braceright
! The "( 9 " key generates 9, parenleft, and bracketleft
! The ") 0 " key generates 0, parenright, and bracketright
! The "Retour" key generates BackSpace
! The "R" key generates r, R, and registered
! The "^ ^ " key generates dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, and dead_grave
! The "¨ ¸ " key generates ccedilla, Ccedilla, and dead_tilde
! The "7 Pos 1" key generates KP_7
! The "8 UpArrow" key generates KP_8
! The "9 Pg AR" key generates KP_9
! The ": ; " key generates semicolon, colon, and degree
! The "` ` " key generates egrave, Egrave, and brokenbar
! The "> < " key generates agrave, Agrave, and mu
! The "4 LeftArrow" key generates KP_4
! The "5 ~" key generates KP_5
! The "6 RightArrow" key generates KP_6
! The "» « " key generates ugrave and Ugrave
! The "Z" key generates z, Z, and guillemotleft
! The "X" key generates x, X, and guillemotright
! The "C" key generates c, C, and copyright
! The "1 End" key generates KP_1
! The "2 DownArrow" key generates KP_2
! The "3 PgDn" key generates KP_3
! The "[ ]" key generates NoSymbol
! The "AltCar" key generates AltCar, and the Mod1 modifier
! The "{ <" key generates NoSymbol
! The "} >" key generates NoSymbol
! The "Ctrl" key generates Control_R, and the Control modifier
! The "0 Inser" key generates KP_0
! The ". Suppr" key generates KP_Decimal

keycode 0x09 =  Escape
keycode 0x43 =  F1              F11
keycode 0x44 =  F2              F12
keycode 0x45 =  F3              F13
keycode 0x46 =  F4              F14
keycode 0x47 =  F5              F15
keycode 0x48 =  F6              F16
keycode 0x49 =  F7              F17
keycode 0x4A =  F8              F18
keycode 0x4B =  F9              F19
keycode 0x4C =  F10             F20
keycode 0x5F =  F11
keycode 0x60 =  F12
keycode 0x6F =  NoSymbol
keycode 0x4E =  Scroll_Lock
keycode 0x6E =  Pause
keycode 0x31 =  slash           backslash       bar
keycode 0x0A =  1               exclam          exclamdown
keycode 0x0B =  2               at              plusminus
keycode 0x0C =  3               numbersign      asciitilde
keycode 0x0D =  4               dollar          cent
keycode 0x0E =  5               percent         onequarter
keycode 0x0F =  6               question        questiondown
keycode 0x10 =  7               ampersand       braceleft
keycode 0x11 =  8               asterisk        braceright
keycode 0x12 =  9               parenleft       bracketleft
keycode 0x13 =  0               parenright      bracketright
keycode 0x14 =  minus           underscore      onehalf
keycode 0x15 =  equal           plus            threequarters
keycode 0x16 =  BackSpace
keycode 0x6A =  Insert
keycode 0x61 =  Home
keycode 0x63 =  Prior
keycode 0x4D =  Num_Lock
keycode 0x70 =  KP_Divide
keycode 0x3F =  KP_Multiply
keycode 0x52 =  KP_Subtract
keycode 0x17 =  Tab
keycode 0x18 =  q               Q
keycode 0x19 =  w               W
keycode 0x1A =  e               E
keycode 0x1B =  r               R               registered
keycode 0x1C =  t               T
keycode 0x1D =  y               Y
keycode 0x1E =  u               U
keycode 0x1F =  i               I
keycode 0x20 =  o               O
keycode 0x21 =  p               P               paragraph
keycode 0x22 =  dead_circumflex dead_diaeresis  dead_grave
keycode 0x23 =  ccedilla        Ccedilla        dead_tilde
keycode 0x24 =  Return
keycode 0x6B =  Delete
keycode 0x67 =  End
keycode 0x69 =  Next
keycode 0x4F =  KP_7
keycode 0x50 =  KP_8
keycode 0x51 =  KP_9
keycode 0x56 =  KP_Add
keycode 0x42 =  Caps_Lock
keycode 0x26 =  a               A
keycode 0x27 =  s               S
keycode 0x28 =  d               D
keycode 0x29 =  f               F
keycode 0x2A =  g               G
keycode 0x2B =  h               H
keycode 0x2C =  j               J
keycode 0x2D =  k               K
keycode 0x2E =  l               L
keycode 0x2F =  semicolon       colon           degree
keycode 0x30 =  egrave          Egrave          brokenbar
keycode 0x33 =  agrave          Agrave          mu
keycode 0x53 =  KP_4
keycode 0x54 =  KP_5
keycode 0x55 =  KP_6
keycode 0x32 =  Shift_L
keycode 0x5E =  ugrave          Ugrave
keycode 0x34 =  z               Z               guillemotleft
keycode 0x35 =  x               X               guillemotright
keycode 0x36 =  c               C               copyright
keycode 0x37 =  v               V
keycode 0x38 =  b               B
keycode 0x39 =  n               N               ntilde          Ntilde
keycode 0x3A =  m               M
keycode 0x3B =  comma           apostrophe      less
keycode 0x3C =  period          quotedbl        greater
keycode 0x3D =  eacute          Eacute
keycode 0x3E =  Shift_R
keycode 0x62 =  Up
keycode 0x57 =  KP_1
keycode 0x58 =  KP_2
keycode 0x59 =  KP_3
keycode 0x6C =  KP_Enter
keycode 0x25 =  Control_L
keycode 0x73 =  NoSymbol
keycode 0x40 =  Alt_L
keycode 0x41 =  space
keycode 0x71 =  Meta_R
keycode 0x74 =  NoSymbol
keycode 0x75 =  NoSymbol
keycode 0x6D =  Control_R
keycode 0x64 =  Left
keycode 0x68 =  Down
keycode 0x66 =  Right
keycode 0x5A =  KP_0
keycode 0x5B =  KP_Decimal

clear Shift
clear Lock
clear Control
clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
clear Mod4
clear Mod5

add    Shift   = Shift_L Shift_R
add    Lock    = Caps_Lock
add    Control = Control_L Control_R
add    Mod1    = Alt_L
add    Mod2    = Num_Lock
add    Mod5    = Scroll_Lock

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