Actually, I seem to recall that hwclock doesn't function properly on
powerpc.  I found the following article pretty useful:

Beware... if you follow these instructions, your modifications
will be obliterated whenever hwclock gets upgraded through apt-get

Hope this helps,

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Chris Tillman wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 12:41:44AM +0100, Mark Baumann wrote:
> > Hallo!
> > I have a Proplem to set my hwclock via ntpdate, it's not possible to set
> > it with "hwclock  --set --date "....time and date".
> > Any suggestions how to love this? It's not nice to live in the year
> > 1938;-)
> I don't know what the right way is, but I've been using date to set the
> date and then the --systohc option on hwclock.

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